What Are Vaginal Yeast Infections? Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections – How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infections? Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections In Teenage Girls

Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections.
Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections.

Above: Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections.

What Are Vaginal Yeast Infections?

Sorry to give you the bad news, but if you haven’t had a vaginal yeast infection yet, you will probably get one eventually. Three out of four women will experience at least one vaginal yeast infection during their life, and half of all women will have at least two or more vaginal yeast infections during their lifetime (in fact, vaginal yeast infections are so common that many women are plagued by recurrent vaginal yeast infections).

What You Need To Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections – How Do You Get Vaginal Yeast Infections?

The reason why vaginal yeast infections are so common in women, including teenagers (teenage girls), is simply because yeast normally lives on their skin and around their vagina. If you are having vaginal discharge that is white, thick, and milky, plus a really annoying itch, you probably have something known as a vaginal yeast infection or candidiasis, a common vaginal disorder caused by a yeast called Candida albicans.

A vaginal yeast infection (also called candidiasis) is a fungal infection in the vagina caused by Candida, a type of yeast. A vaginal yeast infection affects both the vagina and the vulva (the tissues at the opening of the vagina) and is caused by an overgrowth of the normal fungi that lives in the vaginal area. Most women will experience vaginal problems at some point in their life, and the three most common vaginal issues that most women will deal with are vaginal yeast infections, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. This article mostly covers vaginal yeast infections (trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis are covered in different sections of our website).

Things That Every Girl Should Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections – How To Know If You Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Yeast is the most common cause of vaginal infections. This type of infection is caused by a fungus and affects the vagina and the surrounding vulvar area (the vulva). Three out of four women will have at least one vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime, and symptoms include itching, burning, redness, and irritation of the vagina and vaginal area. Severe yeast infections may cause swelling of the vulva (the tissues at the opening of the vagina) and in some cases women will experience painful and/or frequent urination, caused by the inflammation of the urethral opening. A more visual sign of a possible yeast infection is a vaginal discharge that is thicker than normal, and which appears white (almost like cottage cheese).

Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections And Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms In Adult Women, Teens, And Teenagers (Teenage Girls)

When something disrupts the vagina’s natural balance of healthy bacteria, yeast (also known as the fungus Candida) can grow out of control, which can cause the itching and burning sensation in your vagina that will most likely ruin your week and drive you crazy and/or insane until that burning and itching of your vagina finally stops (generally after getting medical treatment).

The Possible Symptoms Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection And How To Recognize Vaginal Yeast Infections – Why Does My Vagina Itch So Much?

There are a number of symptoms you may experience if you have a vaginal yeast infection. These vaginal symptoms include:

*Vaginal itching.
*Vaginal burning.
*Vaginal irritation.
*Painful urination.
*Painful sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse may be painful due to vaginal inflammation and dryness inside your vagina).
*Odorless vaginal discharge.

If you notice any of these vaginal symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your gynecologist so that she may examine your vagina in order to find out if you have a vaginal yeast infection. Your doctor will be able to test you for this vaginal infection, confirm a diagnosis, and if you do have a vaginal yeast infection provide you with a prescription for an oral medication or recommend an over-the-counter vaginal cream (over-the-counter means that you can purchase your vaginal cream at your local pharmacy without needing a prescription from your doctor). It is also important to note that not every woman experiences all of these vaginal symptoms.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms And How To Recognize Vaginal Yeast Infections – Do I Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Some women experience frequent vaginal yeast infections, so they are familiar with the symptoms and the course of treatment recommended for their vaginal yeast infections. However, if this is the first time that you are having what you believe are vaginal yeast infection symptoms, it is very important to see your doctor in order to get a formal diagnosis and rule out other possibilities. You don’t want to begin treating yourself when there is a chance that your vaginal symptoms could indicate something else entirely.

How Do Vaginal Yeast Infections Occur? What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infections?

There is always some yeast and bacteria in your vagina from the time that you are born and throughout your life. In fact, yeast is actually kept in check by these “good” bacteria. But when the amount of the bacteria is reduced, the yeast can grow and cause vaginal problems. Some of the things that can affect the natural bacterial balance in your vagina and cause yeast to grow include:

*Oral contraceptives.
*Wearing tight clothes, pantyhose, and wet bathing suits.
*Possibly eating too much sugar, artificial sweeteners, and sodas (such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi which are products that we consider dangerous for you if you would like to have a beautiful and healthy body).
*Excessive douching.
*Intrauterine devices.

Like any fungus, Candida really gets going in warm, dark, moist places like the vagina, so this is why wearing clothes that trap moisture such as a pantyhose or a wet bathing suit can create the perfect conditions for developing a vaginal yeast infection.

What Causes Vaginal Itching?

The fungus candida causes a vaginal yeast infection. Your vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast, including candida, and bacteria. Lactobacillus bacteria produce acid, which prevents yeast overgrowth. That balance can be disrupted and lead to a yeast infection. Too much yeast in your vagina causes vaginal itching, burning inside your vagina, and other classic signs and symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection.

Candida albicans is the most common type of fungus to cause vaginal yeast infections. Sometimes, other types of candida fungus are to blame for vaginal yeast infections. Common vaginal yeast infection treatments usually cure a Candida albicans infection, but yeast infections caused by other types of candida fungus can be more difficult to treat in the vagina, and need more aggressive medical therapies from your physician.

Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections

It is very important that you visit your doctor the first time that you believe that you have a vaginal yeast infection so that you may get an accurate diagnosis. After the first time (some women get recurring vaginal yeast infections) you do not have to visit your doctor again if you get a vaginal yeast infection. Instead, you can just purchase anti-fungal vaginal creams at your local pharmacy, but doctors can also give you a prescription medication if you prefer.

When treating your vaginal yeast infection, use all the medication that your doctor prescribes or the full dose of cream from the drug store, otherwise it may return. Whichever remedy you choose, avoid sex with your husband until your vaginal yeast infection disappears (otherwise your vaginal yeast infection could last longer). If the vaginal yeast infection symptoms continue after treatment or if you have abdominal pain, cramping, or fever, then it is definitely time to see your doctor again. These symptoms might be signs that you have another type of vaginal infection.

Treatments And Prevention Tips For Vaginal Yeast Infections – Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments And How To Keep Your Vagina Healthy

Women spend tens of millions of dollars annually on over-the-counter products and many times vaginal yeast infections are not the true cause of the problem. Vaginal yeast infections are commonly misdiagnosed by women who buy one of the over-the-counter medicines which are available at local pharmacies without a prescription. Self-treatment of vaginal yeast infections should never be attempted by any woman who has never been first diagnosed for at least one vaginal yeast infection by her physician.

If a woman is able to determine that her vaginal symptoms are truly caused by yeast, she has several treatment options she may choose from, including a variety of creams which are available without a prescription at local pharmacies. Treatments with over-the-counter creams range from one to seven days. Creams available include brand names such as Monistat.

Women who prefer a less messy alternative to the creams that are sold over-the-counter without a prescription at local pharmacies may ask their physician for a prescription medication, but like many prescription medications, these could cause some side effects to your body. Remember, it is always advisable to call your physician to discuss your vaginal symptoms and ask for her recommendation regarding the type of treatment that is best for you.

How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And How To Reduce Your Risk Of Getting A Vaginal Yeast Infection

*Always wear white cotton panties. Avoid nylon and lycra as much as possible.
*Never wear pantyhose without wearing cotton panties underneath.
*Post-menopausal women and women who use oral contraceptives may find using a vaginal lubricant during sexual intercourse with their husband helpful in preventing vaginal discomfort and irritation.
*Yeast is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract. Because of this it is very important that you always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement in order to prevent transferring yeast to your vaginal area. In addition, great care must be taken during sexual intercourse with your husband in order to prevent vaginal infections from occurring due to contamination with organisms from the bowel or rectum.
*Avoid perfumed bath additives, as well as powders in the vaginal area. Douching is never a good idea since it washes away the natural protective mucous of the vagina and leaves women susceptible to vaginal infections.

What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infections? How Do You Get Vaginal Yeast Infections? Common Vaginal Problems You May Someday Experience

Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that is often found in the mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract. Candida albicans is a normal inhabitant of humans that typically does not have any adverse effects. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of these normal fungi. Overgrowth of the fungus Candida is often a result of recent use of antibiotics. Yeast infections can also be caused by wearing clothing such as nylon or lycra that traps in moisture and heat in your vagina. Other possible causes include the use of oral contraceptives, and the consumption of large amounts of sugars.

If It’s Not A Vaginal Yeast Infection, What Could It Be? What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is a far more prevalent vaginal infection than yeast infections, and is characterized by a foul odor. Untreated bacterial vaginosis can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, and can lead to infertility (infertility means that you would no longer be able to have any children). Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and herpes can also be mistaken for yeast infections. Thus, unless a woman is absolutely positive that her vaginal infection is yeast-related, she should seek the advice of her physician before considering self-treatment (if it turns out that you don’t have a yeast infection, self treatments can make inflammation of your vagina worse or not provide any relief at all adding to your frustration).

How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections

There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid vaginal yeast infections. They include:
*Don’t wear tight pants or pantyhose all the time.
*Wear cotton underwear.
*Avoid douching, bactericidal or perfumed soaps, and feminine sprays and powders.
*Change out of sweaty underwear, workout clothes, and wet bathing suits quickly.
*Use non-deodorant pads and/or tampons (if you use tampons please read our article about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) about the danger of using tampons).

Also, if you are sexually active, many vaginal infections can be passed back and forth between you and your husband. Only one of you may show symptoms even though both of you may be infected. If the infection persists, or if your husband has any discharge, itching, or burning, then both of you will probably need to be treated by a doctor.

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Getting Vaginal Yeast Infections And How To Avoid Vaginal Yeast Infections

Gynecologists like to call the vagina a “self-cleaning oven.” This is because your vagina doesn’t need any help with douches, scented gels, perfumes, and other “feminine” products to stay clean and healthy. In fact, rather than helping to prevent a vaginal yeast infection, these vaginal products can cause an imbalance of the healthy bacteria in your vagina which can make you more susceptible to a vaginal yeast infection.

In addition, if you use birth control pills, switching birth control pills can make you more susceptible to getting vaginal yeast infections. The reason for this is because anything that alters your hormone levels (like changing to a new hormonal birth control pill that increases your estrogen levels) or increases your stress levels (which increases the hormone levels of cortisol) is a risk factor. Other things that may increase your chances of getting vaginal yeast infections are taking antibiotics (which kill the healthy bacteria in the vagina allowing yeast to thrive) or having uncontrolled blood sugar levels if you have type 2 diabetes (high blood sugar can feed yeast and cause you to get a vaginal yeast infection).

Vaginal Yeast Infections: Tests And Diagnosis

To diagnose a vaginal yeast infection, your doctor may ask questions about your medical history. This might include gathering information about your past vaginal infections. Your doctor will also perform a pelvic exam and examine your external genitals including your vagina and your vulva (the tissues at the opening of your vagina) for signs of a vaginal yeast infection. Your doctor will also place an instrument called a speculum inside your vagina to hold the vaginal walls open in order to be able to examine your vagina and your cervix (the narrow lower end of your uterus that extends into your vagina).

Your doctor will also obtain a sample of vaginal secretions from your vagina and send a sample of vaginal fluid to the lab for testing in order to determine the type of fungus causing your vaginal yeast infection. Once the results come back from the lab, your doctor may be able to prescribe a more effective medical treatment by identifying the type of fungus causing your vaginal yeast infection.

The Truth About Wet Bathing Suits And Wet Bikinis – Tips to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections

You have probably heard that hanging out in wet clothes is a recipe for disaster for your vagina. Doctors often say that it is a good idea to change out of a wet bikini or sweaty exercise clothes because yeast thrives in warm, wet environments, and while that is all true, it is mostly important for women who suffer from recurrent episodes of vaginal yeast infections rather than the general population. Thus, unless you know that you are likely to get vaginal yeast infections, you won’t necessarily get one by hanging out in a wet bikini one afternoon. Thus, make changing your bikini or wet clothes a priority if you get vaginal yeast infections frequently, otherwise you will probably be fine.

Things That Every Girl Should Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections – Vaginal Diseases And Vaginal Infections

Whether you have been visited by a vaginal yeast problem once, many times, or not yet, you may be surprised by the truth about these frustrating vaginal infections that will drive you crazy (or make you go insane). The problem is that the signs are similar to other down-there vaginal problems. For example, if you have a vaginal yeast infection, you might notice burning of your vagina, itching of your vagina, pain during sex with your husband, and/or a thick white odorless discharge. But if it smells fishy, it may instead be bacterial vaginosis, and if you have only burning and pain during urination, that might suggest a urinary tract infection. Thus, the bottom line is that it can be difficult to figure out and diagnose.

How To Recognize Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections.
How To Recognize Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections In Adult Women, Teens, And Teenagers (Teenage Girls).

Above: How To Recognize Vaginal Yeast Infections And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. How To Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections And Causes Of Vaginal Yeast Infections. Prevention Tips And Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections.

ZARZAR MODELS is one of the top modeling agencies for women in the United States representing models in print fashion editorials, high fashion runway, film, television commercials, and promotions. The agency represents top models in all of the major fashion cities and counties including Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Orange County Southern California, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo and recruits and represents models throughout the world through its global fashion and modeling network.


What Is Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)? Symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) – How to Prevent Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) For Women That Use Tampons During Their Period – Tampon Absorbency And The Tampon Debate

Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling On The Beach For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.
Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling On The Beach For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

Above: Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling On The Beach For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

What Is Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)?

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) related to your period (your menstrual cycle) is a rare, but potentially fatal disease that is caused by one of two different types of bacteria (Staphylococcus Aureus or Group A Streptococcus) that are normally found colonizing the vagina of most women. Even though Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) generally occurs in women under the age of 25, with the highest incidence in teen girls and young adult women ages 13 to 19, older women are not immune from developing this potentially deadly disease.

Almost all reported cases of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) are related to tampon use inside the vagina. Once inside the vagina, the tampon, especially higher absorbency tampons (tampons that can absorb a greater amount of blood during your period), create a favorable environment for these bacteria to produce toxins that can cause the signs and symptoms of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) – Preventing Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) In Teenage Girls

Higher absorbency tampons increase the risk of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), so many doctors recommend that if you use tampons that you only use higher absorbency tampons when you absolutely need to stop a super-heavy flow of blood during your period. Your blood flow can change from day to day throughout your period, so a lot of women only use super absorbency tampons on the days when they bleed the most (generally on day 1 or day 2 of their period) and then switch to regular or light absorbency tampons when their blood flow decreases (generally on the last days of their period). It is important to note that even regular or light absorbency tampons can cause menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) in teen girls and adult women, so a lot of doctors recommend that you use pads and pantiliners (panty liners) if you would like to completely eliminate the risk of getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

It is very important for all women (specially teenagers, teens, and teenage girls) to know the symptoms of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Typically symptoms will occur within 3 days of the start of menstruation.

Some of the symptoms of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) are like the flu, but they can become serious very quickly. The most common signs and symptoms of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) include:

*Rising body temperature.
*High fever with or without chills.
*Low blood pressure, which sometimes causes a feeling of dizziness upon standing.
*Extreme weakness.
*Fainting, or near fainting when you stand up.
*Skin changes that look like a sunburn, or redness of the tissues inside your mouth, eyes, or vagina.

Other less common symptoms of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) may include vomiting, diarrhea, and severe muscle aches. In addition, a woman who has had menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can develop it again. If a woman has had menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) before, she should talk to her doctor before using tampons again.

The Persistent Dangers Of Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

It is extremely important that you immediately remove the tampon inside your vagina and that you get medical care immediately if you experience any of these symptoms during your period. Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rapidly progressing disease that can have devastating consequences if left untreated. When untreated, menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can lead to shock, renal failure, and even death. It is also important to note that tampons are not the only objects associated with menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) since almost anything inserted into the vagina carries a potential risk including contraceptive sponges, diaphragms, and menstrual cups.

How to Prevent Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) For Women That Use Tampons During Their Period (Menstruation)

One of the most important things that you can do to prevent menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) if you use tampons during your period is to change your tampon every few hours, even if your period is light. The reason for this is because leaving your tampon inside your vagina for too long (like all day or all night) puts you at risk of getting a rare but very dangerous illness called menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). The problem is that when you keep a tampon inside your vagina for too long, bacteria can grow. Girls who use very absorbent tampons are most at risk for this especially if the tampons are kept inside their vaginas for a long time, giving the bacteria plenty of time to grow. These bacteria can grow within the tampon, enter the body from inside the vagina, then invade the bloodstream eventually releasing toxins that can cause a very severe, and occasionally life threatening illness.

Is There Anything I Can Do to Prevent Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)? What If I Forget About My Tampon?

Fortunately, there are some very important things that you can do during your period to help prevent menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). The most important thing that you can do to prevent menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) during your period is to always change your tampon every 4 to 6 hours. If for some reason you forget that you have a tampon inside your vagina (or there is no place nearby for you to privately remove the tampon), and it has been longer than 6 hours, proceed to immediately remove the tampon that is inside your vagina and switch to pads for the rest of the day just to be safe. Using the proper tampon absorbency for your menstrual blood flow is also an important way to help prevent menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This basically means using higher absorbency tampons only on your heaviest days of blood flow during menstruation. On your lighter days of blood flow during menstruation, use tampons with lower absorbency. In addition, you may be able to significantly reduce your risk of getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) by alternating tampons and pads during your period.

Menstrual Hygiene – How Often Should I Change Tampons Or Pads During My Period (Menstruation)? Tampon Tips For Teens And The Tampon Debate

Using tampons only on the days when you bleed the most (generally on day 1 or day 2 of your period) and then switching to pads and pantiliners (panty liners) when your blood flow decreases (generally on the last days of your period) and using tampons only during the day and pads and pantiliners (panty liners) at night can also significantly decrease your risk of getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

How To Avoid Getting Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) – Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) Prevention And Why Absorbency Matters

Choosing The Right Absorbency:

It is very important to choose the lowest absorbency for your menstrual blood flow. Your menstrual blood flow changes from day to day, so you may need to use different tampon absorbencies on different days of your period.

How To Choose The Right Absorbency Tampon For Your Menstrual Blood Flow:

You can start by taking the tampon out from inside your vagina after wearing it for four hours. If the tampon has soaked blood up to the full amount, you may want to try a tampon with a higher absorbency. If white fiber is still showing on your tampon, you should choose a lower absorbency tampon.

Tampon Absorbency And The Tampon Debate – Preventing Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) In Adult Women And Teenagers (Teenage Girls)

If you sleep less than eight hours a night and use a tampon, choose the lowest absorbency tampon that you need. Insert a fresh tampon inside your vagina just before going to bed and remove the tampon as soon as you wake up in the morning.
If you sleep more than eight hours, do not use a tampon and instead use a pad before going to bed. This is extremely important because you should never leave a tampon inside your vagina for more than six to eight hours. However, if you would like to totally avoid the risk of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) as associated with tampon use, you should avoid using tampons completely during your period and use pads and pantiliners (panty liners) instead.

Some people may try to convince you that you can lower your risk of getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) by using certain types of tampons, which is simply not true. All types of tampons, whether made from cotton or rayon, put you at risk for getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Make sure that you ONLY use tampons during menstruation. If you feel that you need extra protection at other times during the month, pads and pantiliners (panty liners) are your best option. However, many doctors recommend that you should only use pads and pantiliners (panty liners) during your period if you would like to completely eliminate the risk of getting menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.
Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling On The Beach For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

Above: Beautiful Fashion Model Behati Prinsloo Modeling On The Beach For Vogue Thailand Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

ZARZAR MODELS is one of the top modeling agencies for women in the United States representing models in print fashion editorials, high fashion runway, film, television commercials, and promotions. The agency represents top models in all of the major fashion cities and counties including Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Orange County Southern California, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo and recruits and represents models throughout the world through its global fashion and modeling network.


How To Know If Your Period Is Normal – How Long Does A Period Last? Menstruation, Your Menstrual Cycle, And Everything You Wanted To Know About Normal Periods, Period Symptoms, Bleeding, Cramps, And Irregular Periods

Beautiful South African Fashion Model Candice Swanepoel Modeling For Max Factor Ads (Beautiful Max Factor Makeup Ads) Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.
Beautiful South African Fashion Model Candice Swanepoel Modeling For Max Factor Ads (Beautiful Max Factor Makeup Ads) Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

Above: Beautiful South African Fashion Model Candice Swanepoel Modeling For Max Factor Ads (Beautiful Max Factor Makeup Ads) Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

How To Know If Your Period Is Normal And How Long Does A Period Last? Menstruation And Your Menstrual Cycle

Have you ever wondered how to know if your period is normal or how long your period should last? Have you always had questions about menstruation, your menstrual cycle, period symptoms, bleeding, cramps, and irregular periods but just felt too uncomfortable or awkward asking your mom or your best friends? If the answer to any of those questions is yes then wonder no more as this article will attempt to explain the basics about normal periods, irregular periods, period symptoms, bleeding, and those cramps that just ruin your day when you least expect it. We will start with the basics such as what is menstruation and how long a period lasts before moving on to more advanced topics such as how to know if your period is normal, irregular periods, bleeding, cramps, and period symptoms later in the article.

The word “menstruation” comes from menses, the Latin word for “month.” That gives you a big clue to what the menstrual cycle is all about. Also, if you have heard friends talk about “that time of the month,” you can probably guess that women go through menstruation about every month.

How To Know If Your Period Is Normal – Do You Have A Normal Period?

It is that time of the month again, or so you thought. So “why am I not getting my period?” you ask yourself. Your friends proudly tell you about how their periods arrive like clockwork every four weeks. They certainly do not understand how it feels to not have a clue when your period is due to arrive. You start to ask yourself “if their menstrual cycle is called regular or normal, what is my period called? Not normal?”

Many women are not sure if they have a normal period or if their period is what is called an irregular period. Even if you have the courage to talk to your best girl friends you will notice that the information that they provide is not always helpful since the range of what is considered normal can be wide, and this is assuming talking about your period is common among your friends since many times even the closest of friends will not reveal how many days they bleed or discuss mid-cycle spotting.

It is also important to keep in mind as you review what is considered a normal period and what is considered an irregular period is that when your period just begins during puberty, it is normal for your menstrual cycle to be a little off as a teenager. The same is generally true for the years just before you reach menopause.

How Many Days Of Bleeding Are Normal During My Period? How Long Does A Period Last?

Some of your female friends will feel their period coming days before they actually get it, while other girls will hardly be aware that their period has arrived. Some girls might bleed for two days during the month, and seven days the next month. The average woman bleeds for three to five days, but it is normal to bleed for as few as two days or as many as seven days. It can also be normal to bleed beyond seven days if it is just spotting. However, if you experience heavy flow beyond seven days, it is not considered to be normal.

How Long Should A Period Last?

When you first start menstruating, the length of your period won’t be regular: it could last one day or ten days. The average length of a period is 5 to 7 days of bleeding.

How Much Blood Is Normal During My Period? Bleeding, And How To Know If Your Period Is Normal

Though it can look like much more blood, the average woman bleeds just two tablespoons worth of blood during their period. Two to three times as much is also considered to be normal. It is not considered normal to need to change your pad in the middle of the night or to pass large blood clots through your vagina (golf ball size or larger). Small, tissue-like blood clots on the first day or two of your period can be normal.

Experiencing a heavier blood flow during the first few days of your period (menstrual cycle) is normal, but it should not be so much blood that you need to change your pad or tampon more often than every hour or every two hours. If you find yourself changing pads every hour for two to three hours in a row, call your doctor right away.

How To Know If Your Period Is Normal – Average Number Of Days Between Periods (Your Menstrual Cycle)

In reality, most women do not get their periods in exactly the same number of days after the last one. Specially for teens, there is a much broader definition of what is considered a normal period. Just as the age you begin to menstruate varies, so does the length of time between each period (your menstrual cycle). A menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or as long as 35 days. At some point, as you grow and your body develops, your light and unpredictable menstrual cycle will settle into a recognizable pattern.

The average menstrual cycle length (that would be from the first day of your period until the next period begins) is said to be 28 days. There is a common misconception that anything shorter or longer than 28 days is not considered normal, but this is not true since a menstrual cycle as short as 21 days or as long as 35 days can be considered normal.

In general, two out of three girls develop a regular pattern within two years after they get their first period (they bleed for the first time). It is also not unusual to skip a period within the first couple of years. In addition, be aware that if you participate in sports that require long hours of practice, or are active in strenuous workouts like volleyball, gymnastics, or ballet, you may see less bleeding, shorter periods, and/or less frequent periods. Furthermore, if you are dieting so strictly that you are not getting the calories your body needs, you will be denying your body the fat it needs to menstruate regularly. Furthermore, if you are really worried about an upcoming school test, stressed out about a nasty fight that you had with your best friend, or really worried and concerned about the health of a close family member, you can pretty much bet that your period will be affected by these stress factors.

How Much Variation Between Periods Is Normal? Irregular Periods And Your Menstrual Cycle

Slight variation in the length of your menstrual cycles is normal. For example, if one month your menstrual cycle is 28 days and another month your menstrual cycle is 30 days, this would be within the normal range. However, a large variation of days between your periods is not considered to be normal. For example, if the number of days between your periods (menstrual cycle) was 21 days and then after that it changed to 35 days, that would be considered an abnormal variation. If you have menstrual cycles that vary this much, you are experiencing irregular periods. Sometimes, due to illness or stress as explained above, your period (menstrual cycle) may be delayed. Having one irregular period is nothing to be worried about, but if you go longer than 60 days without a period, and you are not pregnant, you should speak to your doctor.

Why Do Some Girls Have Irregular Periods?

First, we will explain what is considered a regular period. Women can have their periods every 21 to 35 days. 28 days is the average number of days between periods for most women. When you first start to menstruate your menstrual cycle could be very irregular: starting, stopping, and starting again. For example, you could have one period and then wait as long as six months for your next period. This isn’t unusual in young women, and until your body adjusts to your menstrual cycle, your period may be unpredictable. But after that, your menstrual cycle should be fairly regular during most of your menstruating years. If your period continues to be very irregular, you should see your doctor.

Once your period is regular you could still have menstrual cycle changes that could affect your period. These menstrual cycle changes could be caused by hormones, stress, powerful emotions, sudden life style changes, and even some medications.

Does Diet Affect Menstruation? Nutrition And Your Menstrual Cycle (Your Period)

Proper nutrition is necessary for the cells and tissues in your body to grow so that you could develop into a beautiful and healthy adult woman, so the better balanced and healthier your diet, the better you will probably feel before and during your period. Just before your period, you may want to avoid caffeine, salt, and carbonated drinks such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola (you should especially avoid diet sodas). Some women have reported that these foods (caffeine, salt, and carbonated drinks) contribute to uncomfortable premenstrual symptoms. Thus, drinking a lot of water instead of carbonated drinks and getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night (to help your body regenerate and fight stress) combined with daily exercise can probably help you to avoid uncomfortable premenstrual symptoms.

Is Spotting Between Periods Normal?

Some women experience light spotting during ovulation, which is approximately in the middle of your menstrual cycle. Not all women experience this, but it is considered to be normal. However, if you experience heavier bleeding between periods, or the spotting seems to occur throughout your menstrual cycle, that would not be considered normal.

Is Vaginal Odor Ever Normal? How To Know If Your Period Is Normal – What If My Period Has An Odor?

Women are often told that having vaginal odor is a sign of infection, but in fact, some vaginal odor is normal. During your period, you may notice a blood-like scent or a mild musk-like scent which can be normal. However, consider making an appointment with a nurse or your doctor if the odor suddenly seems stronger and more unpleasant than usual, continues for several days, and/or is accompanied by pain or irritation (this is not considered normal and may indicate a vaginal infection).

While you may feel embarrassed talking about vaginal odors, it is important to talk to your doctor and not just try covering up the scent or smell with vaginal deodorants. In fact, many doctors recommend that you stay away from scented tampons, pads, and vaginal deodorants since they can cause irritation, which can lead to infections that may make odors worse. Vaginal odors vary throughout your entire menstrual cycle, including during your period. It is normal for some days to feel fresher than others (and you are usually the only one who can tell, so don’t stress about the odor or smell).

What Should I Do If My Period Has An Odor?

Sometimes, our periods smell a little, and other times they don’t smell. If you detect a strong smell that bothers you during your period, try changing your pads and tampons every few hours, and washing your vulva (the outside part of your genitals) with mild soap and water. Do not put soap inside your vagina and do not douche.

What Period Symptoms Are Normal? How To Know If Your Period Is Normal

By this point you may be wondering what period symptoms are considered normal. It might surprise you to know that the answer is not as simple as it may seem since normal period symptoms can include the following:

*Food cravings.
*Emotional sensitivity, feeling irritable, or mood swings.
*Light cramping (especially the day before your period and during the first couple of days of your period).
*Mild headaches.
*Increased acne in younger women.
*Breast tenderness.
*Trouble sleeping.

While slight mood swings are normal, serious depression or crying all day for no apparent reason are not considered normal period symptoms. Mild headaches are normal, but you should speak to your doctor if you constantly experience strong migraines before your period.

How Much Cramping Is Normal? Period Symptoms Such As Cramps During Your Menstrual Cycle (Menstruation)

Mild cramping, especially the day before and during the first day of your period, is considered normal. However, cramping that is so bad that you consider calling in sick at work, is not normal. Cramping that occurs at times when you are not having your period is also not considered normal. Furthermore, severe pelvic cramps may be symptoms of endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or other serious medical problems that generally require prompt medical attention.

When You Should See A Doctor And Things That Every Girl Should Know About Her Period

You should probably see a doctor if you:

*Are 16 years old and have never had your period.
*Get periods that last longer than seven days for three menstrual cycles during the past 12 months.
*Experience a dramatic change in blood flow, period duration, or length between periods.
*Miss your period for several consecutive months (unless you are pregnant).
*Are passing large blood clots through your vagina.
*Are soaking through your pad or tampon hourly for two or more hours.
*Are bleeding between menstrual periods.
*Have pelvic pain for longer than a day that seems unrelated to your period.
*Have severe pain while you are menstruating unrelieved by over the counter medication.
*Are sexually active and missed a period.

Can Birth Control Pills Affect Your Period And Your Menstrual Flow?

The amount of blood flow can change when birth control pills are used. Most women who notice a change find that their blood flow decreases rather than increases.

How To Use A Calendar For Tracking Your Period (How To Know When You Will Get Your Next Period)

No girl likes surprises when it comes to her period, and although it can take up to two years or more before you notice a regular pattern in your menstrual cycle, it is a good idea to get to know your menstrual cycle from the very beginning (starting on the first day when you get your first period). In fact, it is always a good idea to keep a record of your period on a calendar. To do this, just circle or shade in the days that you menstruate each month. Do this every time that you get your period. After a few periods, you will probably begin to see a regular pattern on your calendar so that eventually you will know how long each of your menstrual cycles will be, how long your periods will last, and when your period will come again on the following month.

The nice thing about having a calendar is that you will be able to see when your next period will probably start by counting the average number of days between your periods. You can also make notes in your calendar about how you feel on those specific days before your period starts. With time, you will be able to predict fairly accurately when your period is about to come by using the information from your calendar.

Beautiful American Fashion Model Karlie Kloss Modeling For Elle United Kingdom (Elle UK) Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.
Beautiful American Fashion Model Karlie Kloss Modeling For Elle United Kingdom (Elle UK) Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

Above: Beautiful American Fashion Model Karlie Kloss Modeling For Elle United Kingdom (Elle UK) Fashion Editorials Modeling As One Of The Highest Paid Models In The World.

ZARZAR MODELS is one of the top modeling agencies for women in the United States representing models in print fashion editorials, high fashion runway, film, television commercials, and promotions. The agency represents top models in all of the major fashion cities and counties including Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Orange County Southern California, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo and recruits and represents models throughout the world through its global fashion and modeling network.


How You Could Get Life Threatening Meningitis From Kissing

The Scary Thing You Can Catch By Kissing

It is not just mono, you could get life threatening meningitis from making out and kissing. Terrifying as it sounds, you could be carrying the germs that lead to deadly bacterial meningitis right now without even knowing it, and even if you haven’t recently been kissing. This is because the germs remain in the noses and throats of about 10 percent of all adults and approximately 24 percent of 19 year old men and women. In most cases, the bacteria never cause any problems, but they can from time to time infiltrate the blood stream and attack the meninges which are extremely important membranes that protect your brain and your spinal cord. Once these deadly bacteria penetrate your brain and central nervous system, they can cause seizures, coma, or even death for up to 15 percent of infected people.

How You Could Get Life Threatening Meningitis From Kissing

Say what? You can get life threatening meningitis from kissing a guy or a woman? You bet, but please keep in mind that whether the deadly bacteria spread throughout your body and into your central nervous system will depend on your own DNA and how virulent the bacterial strain is when you are infected by kissing. But one thing is certain, college students are specially at risk of getting infected.

How To Know When You Will Get Your First Period – 3 Signs That Your First Period Is Coming And Common Questions About Your First Period – When Will I Get My First Period?

Beautiful Juicy Couture Fashion Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).
Beautiful Juicy Couture Fashion Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).

Above: Beautiful Juicy Couture Fashion Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).

I can clearly remember my first time. I was studying in the kitchen with this cute boy that I really liked and all I could think about was how much I liked him and wanted to be with him as his girlfriend. I was 12 years old and could barely focus on the subject that we were supposed to be studying. I think it was either science (something about chemistry) or math (I can’t really remember). All I could think about was how cute this boy really was and wonder what it would be like to be his girlfriend. For some reason he kept staring at my chest which is something that the boys had started to do a lot recently, but my mom had warned me about that ahead of time. My breasts had just started to develop 12 months earlier and I found that I started getting a lot of attention from the boys for the wrong reasons. Then without much notice, it happened.

I left the kitchen as fast as I could and started running up the stairs to my room and eventually to my bathroom. I took of my skirt, lowered my panties, sat on the toilet, and spread my legs a little to find out what was happening. All I could see was blood coming out of me really fast and I knew that I had just had my first period. I was no longer a little girl, and by the time I went downstairs the boy that I really liked was already gone (my mom had sent him away). I do not even remember his name, and I never did go out with him as his girlfriend since at around that time I started to develop really fast (specially my legs and breasts) and older boys started being interested in me and I started being interested in them as more than just friends.

Today, I am in my early twenties and spend most of my time modeling in New York, London, Paris, and Milan Italy (known as the 4 fashion capitals of the world). I make millions of dollars modeling around the world and constantly see myself on the covers and editorials of major fashion magazines that are published around the world. Looking back, I can clearly see that it all started around that time of my life when I had my first period, and not because I had my first period but because I started the development that would be necessary for me to become a successful fashion model. I went from being flat to a 34 D bust, 23 waist, 34 hips, and from being barely above five feet to being 5 feet 11 inches and just shy of 6 feet. Yet after all the success that I have had throughout my life I can still remember how stressful and agonizing wondering about the first period can be for some girls which is why I decided to give girls and teenagers (teens and teenage girls) a quick “My First Period” guide about the 3 major signs that will tell you that your first period is coming soon.

3 Signs That Your First Period Is Coming Soon – When Will I Get My First Period? – How To Know When You Will Have Your First Period

As a girl, going through puberty means that your body is changing very fast as you start to become a woman, which of course generally means that your period is coming very soon. One of the most important things to remember is that you can generally be ready for your first period by looking for clues that are happening to your body. In general, you can expect these changes to start when you are between 11 and 13 years old, but some girls can start as early as eight years old or as late as 17 years old. Below are the three common signs that indicate that you are about to start and have your first period.

First Period Symptoms – How To Know When You Will Get And Have Your First Period

Breast Development – Your Breasts Will Start Growing

Before you get your first period, you might notice that your breasts started growing. The first sign of a girl’s first period is developing breast buds which is basically when your nipples become raised because of the fat, tissue, and milk glands that your body begins to develop. During this time your mom might give you a training bra or camisole so that you feel more comfortable during your day to day activities. Once your breasts start to develop, they can take up to four years or more to fully develop, and they may even continue growing a little more once you give birth to your first baby. In general, you will start and have your first period one to three years after your breasts begin developing and growing.

Pubic Hair Growth

At around the same time when your breasts start developing and growing for the first time you will notice that you will start developing more body hair. You will first start growing pubic hair in the area below your lower stomach and between your legs. Your first period will generally arrive around one or two years after your pubic hair develops.

Vaginal Discharge

Another major and common sign that you will soon get your first period is that you will begin to experience vaginal discharge that will be either white or yellowish. Do not worry about this vaginal discharge since this is completely normal for girls that are about to have their first period and it is basically your body’s way of moisturizing your vagina. Wearing pantiliners around this time can help you feel fresh and dry. Your period will likely start between six and 12 months (up to 18 months with some girls) after discharge from your vagina first occurs.

Common Questions About Your First Period – How To Know When You Will Get Your First Period?

In addition to these changes occurring to your body for the first time, you can also ask your mother when she started having her period. Your mom’s first period can give you clues about when you will have your first period because it is very likely that you will get your first period within approximately one year of when your mother got her first period.

The most important thing to remember is that you will only have a general idea of when you will get and have your first period but you will not know the exact date of your first period. Because of this fact you will need to plan ahead with your mom so that you can be prepared for when you do have your first period. Most girls use pads for their first period. Your first period will probably be fairly light, and your mother can help you find the appropriate teen pads so that you may have the proper protection. In addition, it is generally a good idea to keep a pad or two hidden in your backpack or locker at school so that you can be prepared for when you actually do get you first period wherever you happen to be on that specific memorable and unforgettable day.

Beautiful Juicy Couture Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).
Beautiful Juicy Couture Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).

Above: Beautiful Juicy Couture Models Romee Strijd And Taylor Hill Modeling For The Fall Winter Juicy Couture Advertising Campaign (Juicy Couture Ad Campaign).

ZARZAR MODELS is one of the top modeling agencies for women in the United States representing models in print fashion editorials, high fashion runway, film, television commercials, and promotions. The agency represents top models in all of the major fashion cities and counties including Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Orange County Southern California, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo and recruits and represents models throughout the world through its global fashion and modeling network.


How To Wear The Perfect Size Bra For Model Castings | 10 Expert Bra Tips We Wish Victoria’s Secret Told Us | 10 Supermodel Bra Tips For Fashion Models We Wish Our Mothers Told Us

We can hear our mothers saying: take an umbrella, moisturize your elbows, hide an extra $20 bill (and pads or tampons) in your purse because you will never know when you will need them, and most importantly do not forget your ears when putting on sunscreen. Did we forget save for retirement?
Before we had tricks and tips for everything, there was mom shouting at you as you walked out the door or pulling you aside to give you some valuable knowledge that she learned over decades of life experiences. Our mothers have always been a fountain of life wisdom, but somehow, when it came to bras, we missed out on a few professional tips in our youth. Now that we know them, they have changed our lives forever (at least when it comes to wearing the perfect bra for every single fashion event, model casting calls, or for simply going out with our friends).

1. Sister Sizes.

Did you know your bra cup size varies based on your band size? A “34C” bra cup size is actually the same as a “36B” bra cup size. It is true and they are called sister sizes. Who knew? Most of us simply had no idea.

2. Hand Wash Your Bras. Really.

Say what? File this one under “Mom did tell me, I just never listened.”
Hand washing your bras is much gentler than machine washing and will help your bras last a lot longer. But if you just can’t be bothered because you simply do not have the time, at the very minimum use a lingerie bag in the washing machine. But most importantly, try to never put your beautiful and expensive bras in the dryer.